On the Right Side of the Ambassador(別叫我大使夫人)

On the Right Side of the Ambassador(別叫我大使夫人)


A Mandarin podcast on diplomacy and soft power from the perspective of an ambassador’s spouse. Hosted by Jeane Huang and Cathy Hsu, cofounder of Ghost Island Media and producer of the award-winning podcast, "In the Weeds”.

For 20+ years, Jeane had the important (and often glamorized and misunderstood) role of the Ambassador’s Wife. We go behind the scenes to hear first hand what it meant to travel the world supporting your country - and your spouse.

鬼島之音最新節目《別叫我大使夫人》由,先生曾任台灣駐外使節、擁有 20 多年外交資歷的「大使夫人」Jeane 與「鬼島之音」凱西共同主持,透過大使夫人的生涯經歷和所見所聞,一步步揭開外交界的神秘面紗,讓你越聽越上癮。除了大使夫人這個國際事務角色,Jeane 也關注文化領域,在自己的職業生涯裡,長期投入台灣文化的推廣,在電影界、音樂界、藝術界也是幕後的隱藏推手。


Our brand-new Mandarin podcast on diplomacy and soft power from the perspective of an ambassador’s spouse. Hosted by Jeane Huang and Cathy Hsu, cofounder of Ghost Island Media and producer of the award-winning podcast, "In the Weeds“.


Latest Episode


Host - Jeane

Host - Jeane

Spouse to a former Ambassador of Taiwan. Jeane and her husband were in the diplomatic circle for 20 years.

Host - Cathy

Host - Cathy

Co-Founder of Ghost Island Media. Producer of our award-winning podcast, “In The Weeds”.